Monday, 28 June 2010

Hi everybody!

Well to say I've not updated this blog for ages would be the truth.... so I guess I'll stick with the truth... however to say sorry about this would be a lie! I'm not sorry! Us Hodges have been too darn busy! So what's happened since the last update?

Well I successfully competed in the Clic24 hour race as a solo entry and completed 23, 10mile laps to cover a grand total of 230miles (incase you couldn't do the maths there). So that was quite awesome, although still not the toughest race I've entered, that award is a joint affair, both being MTB marathons, the first one being the Schwin 100 - 100km race across mid wales, which ok 100km compared to 230miles that's nothing, however I was 15 at the time, and had to get special permission to enter as minimum age was 16. The next being the Newnham 90 (2  x 45km laps) 1 week after finishing my final year of university studies (so you can imagine I was fighting fit), I bonked (think of a car's petrol light coming on) after 10min into the second lap and being the stubborn person I am continued the rest of the lap running on fumes. However the 230miles were nothing compared to these to events it was actually marginally fun! So much so I'm going to enter again next year!

Anyway enough harping on about my racing what have the Hodges been up to? Well you know this and that and ooh we bought our first house!

As in our first house which we own! WOOP, no more paying a landlord! Due to us now living in a house and not a flat we're now able to do such fun activities as this:

We also went on a little adventure up north to watch flight of the Conchords in Birmingham, which was rather exciting. But the main even obviously has been the fact we now have a really nice home! And since we've enjoyed many bbq's and just general relaxation the panda's are enjoying their new home too:

Well that's all for my very random blog post, I feel information overload has resulted in a very boring writing style, lets hope my next update about our energy smart meter will be more interesting!

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